All those things you wished you could print out.
Cause we like putting words on paper
You've landed here because you scanned a QR code at one of EJ's talks. Well done, you! You did the thing. Now get the things.
EJ's Favorite Writing Prompts
Sick of staring at that blasted blinking cursor on your screen? Here is where EJ shares her favorite, tried and true writing prompts. This list is updated from time to time, so feel free to check back from time to time.
EJ's Favorite Books
This is not an exhaustive list of all the books that are good. And yes, it includes a Bobsey Twins book because that is the first book I remember falling in love with in the first grade. Of the literal thousands of books that I have read or listened to, these are the ones that have stuck.
Brené Brown's list of core values
Get to know yourself and what you value most by working through Brené's brilliant list of Core Values from her book "Dare to Lead". Better yet, read the book.
Ej's personal swot worksheet
You're ready to get a lay of the land. Look in the mirror. Size yourself up. Insert pithy self-reflection metaphor here.
This worksheet will take you through the questions you need to ask to determine WHERE YOU ARE. TODAY.
EJ's Goal Setting worksheet
Set those goals to live your best life. Truly, putting pen to paper and saying out loud those things you want to do actually helps. Who knew? This worksheet will help you set goals for your health, relationships, personal development, and calling.